12th Annual FAU Broward Student Research Symposium Returns to In-Person
by Zade Gray | Saturday, Oct 01, 2022
The 12th Annual FAU Broward Student Research Symposium will be held in-person this year having been a virtual symposium in 2020 and 2021. The event will be held on Friday, November 18th, 2022, at the University/College Library on the Davie Campus. The symposium is an opportunity for undergraduate and graduate students from all disciplines to showcase their research through poster and oral presentations. This exciting event is hosted by the FAU Broward Campuses and welcome students from all campuses and neighboring institutions. For more information on how to apply, scan the QR code in the photo.
Since 2011 the Annual FAU Broward Student Research Symposium has been an empowering and inspiring public forum for student researchers to be confident about the work they are presenting. Students are encouraged to be creative with their research and presentations that may be unique to their interests. Research can be group ongoing, course projects, or further academic collaborations. Presentations can be anything from a poster format/oral presentation to a performance art piece. Students are given the flexibility to design and organize their research to their preferences and creative needs. The Broward Student Research Symposium looks forward to seeing all disciplines and colleges participating, whether Multi-Media students, Architecture, or Health Science majors. This event is a fantastic way to learn about other research and share it with family, friends, peers, and faculty. It is also a great event to enhance students' public speaking skills, build connections with peers, and the opportunity to learn more about how to receive grant funding, among other beneficial resources.
You can visit the following page for more information on deadlines, how to apply, and attend this exciting annual event or e-mail Shireen Lalla at SLALLA@FAU.EDU.